How To Eat Out! 10 Tips To Enjoy Healthy Eating At Restaurants

Learn how to eat out! Tempting food & lack of nutritional values makes it hard to eat well when out. Keep reading for some tips!
Heather Kiddoo
July 15, 2024
How To Eat Out! 10 Tips To Enjoy Healthy Eating At Restaurants

Last month we wrote about some of THE BEST restaurants in Broward County! This month we are going to teach you how to eat out at a restaruant that may not have the most healthy options to choose form.

At CrossFit HSN we believe that fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. This is why we strive to educate our members and the community on navigating all the misinformation we see everywhere about nutrition.

In this blog post we will share some tips on how to eat out, enjoy yourself, and keep your wellness goals in mind.

You know what they say, "you can't out-train a bad diet". And guess what - "they" are right! With so many temptations from appetizers to sugary cocktails, it's no wonder that 41.9% of our population has obesity issues.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Most of us reading this share the common ground of striving to live a healthy lifestyle. Let's spread the good word on how to enjoy life, but also be healthy too. This article could be a first step for you, and someone you care about.

Why Is It So Hard To Practice Healthy Eating At Restaurants?

The sights and smells of delicious food can be very tempting, especially when you're hungry. It's easy to stray from your healthy intentions when faced with a menu made up of indulgent options full of saturated fat,  and processed ingredients.

Evaluating portion sizes and practicing portion control are almost impossible when the basket of chips keeps getting refilled and the french fries are hot and salty. Additionally, while many restaurants offer healthy options these days, it can still be easier and faster to find unhealthy choices. Especially at fast food restaurants like Taco Bell, or casual dining establishments where they are always having a "good deal" and there isn't a healthy option in sight.

We can all agree that a healthy diet is hard to maintain. That is why we are here to provide you all with some actionable tips on how to eat out and make healthy choices that fuel your workouts and also taste great!

10 Tips To Stay Healthy When Eating Out

Tip #1 - Look at the menu items ahead of time

Plan ahead or plan to fail. Glancing at the menu before you go to a restaurant can be a game-changer when it comes learning how to eat out. It allows you to make informed choices in a relaxed setting, avoiding the pressure to pick something quickly amidst tempting smells and a hungry group. You can scout for dishes with lean protein, low in saturated fat, light sauces, whole grains, and vegetables.  Doing so gives yourself a head start on a satisfying and nutritious meal.

Tip #2 - Follow the plate method

The plate method can be your secret weapon when learning how to eat out. Imagine your plate divided into sections. Fill half with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter with lean protein like grilled chicken, and the last quarter with whole grains. This visual trick helps you prioritize nutrient-rich options and avoid overdoing high-calorie items like fries or creamy sauces. By focusing on vegetables first, you'll feel fuller faster, making it less tempting to indulge in unhealthy extras.

the plate method

Tip #3 - Skip the sugary cocktails

Skipping sugary alcoholic drinks at restaurants is a sneaky way to support healthy eating. Those margaritas or piña coladas might be tempting, but they often pack a hidden punch of added sugars and calories.

This sugary boost can leave you feeling less satisfied and more likely to overindulge in food. Drink water sweetened with fruit, unsweetened tea, or a low-calorie drink, you'll save hidden calories and feel more in control of your overall meal, allowing you to focus on healthier food choices like adding in extra vegetables or a side salad.

Some good drinks to lower added sugar are:

how to eat out drinking mocktails

Tip #4 - Ask for it on the side

Not sure what that cream sauce and salad dressing contain in terms of extra fat? Ask for them on the side. Dipping a fork in the dressing and then stabbing your salad with the fork is a great way to control the amount of dressing you are consuming which helps control fat.

Any time you want extra sauce on your food, try dipping instead of pouring. Doing so allows for control of how much sauce you are consuming with each bite.

Tip #5 - Ask how the food is prepared

Are the chef's using oil to cook veggies and meat or are they using something like soy sauce? You don't know unless you ask! Knowing is half the battle, and finding out what your food is cooked in let's you know how much saturated fat you could be consuming.

If oil is being used - ask them to swap it out for a healthier option,  or use half a portion of oil instead.

food cooked in oil in a pan

Tip #6 - Say no to bottomless items

There is nothing wrong with chips and salsa. But, when the waiter continuously fills the basket full of chips to the point you eat so many you are too full for dinner, that's a problem. Yes! I'm talking to you!

Say yes to the chips, but no to the refills. Doing so allows you the pleasure, but puts safety rails on overindulgence leading to extra calories.

chips and salsa

Tip #7 - Don't skip meals during the day

While skipping meals in hopes of saving calories for a fancy night out might seem like a good idea, it can backfire on your wellness goals. Skimping on food throughout the day can lead to intense hunger pangs later, making you more likely to overeat or make unhealthy choices at dinner.

Being "hangry" isn't cool!

This can negate any potential calorie savings and leave you feeling sluggish instead of satisfied. It's best to fuel your body with healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to avoid these pitfalls and enjoy a balanced, enjoyable restaurant meal.

a girl shoving food in her mouth by the fridge

Tip #8 - Eat slowly and enjoy your meal

Remember your brain is 15 minutes behind your belly! What does this mean exactly?

This is why eating slowly is key when it comes to portion control.

Tip #9  - Control portion sizes

The main course at many restaurants is HUGE. To control the portion sizes of your meal follow these tips:

So many times we are eating a mini meal before our main meal  like mixed greens, or bread. Avoid overeating by using these tips!

leftovers in a box from eating out

Tip #10 - Try grilled or blackened instead of fried

Grilled or blackened food is better for you instead of fried for several reasons:

grilled chicken

Smart Swaps

Some general guidelines to keep in mind when trying to make healthier choices are:

Wrap Up

Learning how to eat out can help you enjoy eating and enjoy life! Social situations often are centered around food, including the social situations inside the gym. This is makes it crucial that we learn how to behave in these social situations when it comes to our food intake.

Healthier options are out there meaning you don't have to consume pan fried fast foods loaded with butter and cheese when eating out. By understanding what you are eating, you can change your plate simply by adding some healthy fats vs saturated fats, brown rice for fiber instead of white bread, and a lean protein.

For all you Hispanic inspired eaters out there, this sounds an awful lot like a burrito bowl :)

Struggling with your nutrition? You can hire a nutrition coach near year!

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